Sunday, January 6, 2008


This word has been my mantra this past week. When I've been anxious about my reduced income. When I've felt indignant at the lack of benefits (insurance, paid vacation, sick days, etc). at my current employer. When I've started to fret over what the future holds for me/us.

I've just reminded myself that what I have right now is enough.

In the past, especially this last year, the word was ENOUGH! I had had it with many things that were no longer serving my higher self. I had reached the end of my rope - mentally, physically, emotionally - in many ways. And declared ENOUGH!

But this week the word has a much softer meaning. It is one of reassurance and contentment. It is a gentle reminder that I am supported by the Universe, all of my needs are met and I am blessed beyond measure.

Last night I picked up a book I've had for quite some time and started reading through various parts. Then today I checked their web site. Low and behold, I found this perfect article. Certainly Vicki has covered the topic better than I could here. I encourage you to read her wisdom and explore what it means for you right now.

I'll be referring to their work again and again during this coming year of living with enough. Accepting what is. Slowing down. Enjoying what I have. Resisting the urge to strive for more/better/bigger/newer. Soaking in the inner knowing that:

I am enough.
What I have is enough.
What I will have will be enough
This life, as it is right this moment, is enough.


GailNHB said...

Amen and amen!

Amy said...


I read Gail's blog, and I know you're her friend and fellow blogger. You have a nice blog here, and I love this particular posting. It reminds me of St. Theresa's prayer. Are you familiar with it?

We are all right where we're supposed to be at this moment ... or so goes the theory.

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